#!/bin/bash # # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Alejandro Domínguez # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Kévin Commaile # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later export LC_ALL=C # Usage info show_help() { cat << EOF Run conformity checks on the current Rust project. If a dependency is not found, helps the user to install it. USAGE: ${0##*/} [OPTIONS] OPTIONS: -f, --force-install Install missing dependencies without asking -v, --verbose Use verbose output -h, --help Display this help and exit ERROR CODES: 1 Check failed 2 Missing dependency EOF } # Style helpers act="\e[1;32m" err="\e[1;31m" pos="\e[32m" neg="\e[31m" res="\e[0m" # Common styled strings Installing="${act}Installing${res}" Checking=" ${act}Checking${res}" Failed=" ${err}Failed${res}" error="${err}error:${res}" invalid="${neg}Invalid input${res}" ok="${pos}ok${res}" fail="${neg}fail${res}" # Initialize variables force_install=0 verbose=0 # Helper functions # Sort to_sort in natural order. sort() { local size=${#to_sort[@]} local swapped=0; for (( i = 0; i < $size-1; i++ )) do swapped=0 for ((j = 0; j < $size-1-$i; j++ )) do if [[ "${to_sort[$j]}" > "${to_sort[$j+1]}" ]] then temp="${to_sort[$j]}"; to_sort[$j]="${to_sort[$j+1]}"; to_sort[$j+1]="$temp"; swapped=1; fi done if [[ $swapped -eq 0 ]]; then break; fi done } # Remove common entries in to_diff1 and to_diff2. diff() { for i in ${!to_diff1[@]}; do for j in ${!to_diff2[@]}; do if [[ "${to_diff1[$i]}" == "${to_diff2[$j]}" ]]; then unset to_diff1[$i] unset to_diff2[$j] break fi done done } # Check if rustup is available. # Argument: # '-i' to install if missing. check_rustup() { if ! which rustup &> /dev/null; then if [[ "$1" == '-i' ]]; then echo -e "$Installing rustup…" curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh -s -- -y --default-toolchain nightly export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin if ! which rustup &> /dev/null; then echo -e "$Failed to install rustup" exit 2 fi else exit 2 fi fi } # Install cargo via rustup. install_cargo() { check_rustup -i if ! which cargo >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo -e "$Failed to install cargo" exit 2 fi } # Check if cargo is available. If not, ask to install it. check_cargo() { if ! which cargo >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Unable to find cargo" if [[ $force_install -eq 1 ]]; then install_cargo elif [ ! -t 1 ]; then exit 2 elif check_rustup; then echo -e "$error rustup is installed but the cargo command isn't available" exit 2 else echo "" echo "y: Install cargo via rustup" echo "N: Don't install cargo and abort checks" echo "" while true; do echo -n "Install cargo? [y/N]: "; read yn < /dev/tty case $yn in [Yy]* ) install_cargo break ;; [Nn]* | "" ) exit 2 ;; * ) echo $invalid ;; esac done fi fi if [[ $verbose -eq 1 ]]; then echo "" rustc -Vv && cargo +nightly -Vv fi } # Install rustfmt with rustup. install_rustfmt() { check_rustup -i echo -e "$Installing rustfmt…" rustup component add --toolchain nightly rustfmt if ! cargo +nightly fmt --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo -e "$Failed to install rustfmt" exit 2 fi } # Run rustfmt to enforce code style. run_rustfmt() { if ! cargo fmt --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [[ $force_install -eq 1 ]]; then install_rustfmt elif [ ! -t 1 ]; then echo "Unable to check the project's code style, because rustfmt could not be run" exit 2 else echo "Rustfmt is needed to check the project's code style, but it isn’t available" echo "" echo "y: Install rustfmt via rustup" echo "N: Don't install rustfmt and abort checks" echo "" while true; do echo -n "Install rustfmt? [y/N]: "; read yn < /dev/tty case $yn in [Yy]* ) install_rustfmt break ;; [Nn]* | "" ) exit 2 ;; * ) echo $invalid ;; esac done fi fi echo -e "$Checking code style…" if [[ $verbose -eq 1 ]]; then echo "" cargo fmt --version echo "" fi if ! cargo fmt --all -- --check; then echo -e " Checking code style result: $fail" echo "Please fix the above issues, either manually or by running: cargo fmt --all" exit 1 else echo -e " Checking code style result: $ok" fi } # Install typos with cargo. install_typos() { echo -e "$Installing typos…" cargo install typos-cli if ! typos --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo -e "$Failed to install typos" exit 2 fi } # Run typos to check for spelling mistakes. run_typos() { if ! typos --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [[ $force_install -eq 1 ]]; then install_typos elif [ ! -t 1 ]; then echo "Unable to check spelling mistakes, because typos could not be run" exit 2 else echo "Typos is needed to check spelling mistakes, but it isn’t available" echo "" echo "y: Install typos via cargo" echo "N: Don't install typos and abort checks" echo "" while true; do echo -n "Install typos? [y/N]: "; read yn < /dev/tty case $yn in [Yy]* ) install_typos break ;; [Nn]* | "" ) exit 2 ;; * ) echo $invalid ;; esac done fi fi echo -e "$Checking spelling mistakes…" if [[ $verbose -eq 1 ]]; then echo "" typos --version echo "" fi if ! typos --color always; then echo -e " Checking spelling mistakes result: $fail" echo "Please fix the above issues, either manually or by running: typos -w" exit 1 else echo -e " Checking spelling mistakes result: $ok" fi } # Check if files in POTFILES are correct. # # This checks, in that order: # - All files exist # - All files with translatable strings are present and only those # - Files are sorted alphabetically # # This assumes the following: # - POTFILES.in is located at 'po/POTFILES.in' # - UI (Glade) files are located in 'src/gtk/' and use 'translatable="yes"' # - Rust files are located in 'src' and use 'i18n' methods or macros check_potfiles() { echo -e "$Checking po/POTFILES.in…" local ret=0 # Check that files in POTFILES exist. while read -r line; do if [[ -n $line && ${line::1} != '#' ]]; then if [[ ! -f $line ]]; then echo -e "$error File '$line' in POTFILES does not exist" ret=1 fi if [[ ${line:(-3):3} == '.ui' ]]; then ui_potfiles+=($line) elif [[ ${line:(-3):3} == '.rs' ]]; then rs_potfiles+=($line) fi fi done < po/POTFILES.in if [[ ret -eq 1 ]]; then echo -e " Checking po/POTFILES.in result: $fail" echo "Please fix the above issues" exit 1 fi # Get UI files with 'translatable="yes"'. #ui_files=(`grep -lIr 'translatable="yes"' src/gtk/*.ui`) # Get Rust files with regex 'i18n[!]?\('. rs_files=(`grep -lIrE 'i18n[!]?\(' --exclude=src/i18n.rs src/*`) # Remove common files #to_diff1=("${ui_potfiles[@]}") #to_diff2=("${ui_files[@]}") #diff #ui_potfiles=("${to_diff1[@]}") #ui_files=("${to_diff2[@]}") to_diff1=("${rs_potfiles[@]}") to_diff2=("${rs_files[@]}") diff rs_potfiles=("${to_diff1[@]}") rs_files=("${to_diff2[@]}") potfiles_count=$((${#ui_potfiles[@]} + ${#rs_potfiles[@]})) if [[ $potfiles_count -eq 1 ]]; then echo "" echo -e "$error Found 1 file in POTFILES without translatable strings:" ret=1 elif [[ $potfiles_count -ne 0 ]]; then echo "" echo -e "$error Found $potfiles_count files in POTFILES without translatable strings:" ret=1 fi for file in ${ui_potfiles[@]}; do echo $file done for file in ${rs_potfiles[@]}; do echo $file done let files_count=$((${#ui_files[@]} + ${#rs_files[@]})) if [[ $files_count -eq 1 ]]; then echo "" echo -e "$error Found 1 file with translatable strings not present in POTFILES:" ret=1 elif [[ $files_count -ne 0 ]]; then echo "" echo -e "$error Found $files_count with translatable strings not present in POTFILES:" ret=1 fi for file in ${ui_files[@]}; do echo $file done for file in ${rs_files[@]}; do echo $file done if [[ ret -eq 1 ]]; then echo "" echo -e " Checking po/POTFILES.in result: $fail" echo "Please fix the above issues" exit 1 fi # Check sorted alphabetically to_sort=("${potfiles[@]}") sort for i in ${!potfiles[@]}; do if [[ "${potfiles[$i]}" != "${to_sort[$i]}" ]]; then echo -e "$error Found file '${potfiles[$i]}' before '${to_sort[$i]}' in POTFILES" ret=1 break fi done if [[ ret -eq 1 ]]; then echo "" echo -e " Checking po/POTFILES.in result: $fail" echo "Please fix the above issues" exit 1 else echo -e " Checking po/POTFILES.in result: $ok" fi } # Check if files in src/paket.gresource.xml are sorted alphabetically. check_resources() { echo -e "$Checking paket.gresource.xml…" local ret=0 # Get files. regex="<file .*>(.*)</file>" while read -r line; do if [[ $line =~ $regex ]]; then files+=("${BASH_REMATCH[1]}") fi done < paket.gresource.xml # Check sorted alphabetically to_sort=("${files[@]}") sort for i in ${!files[@]}; do if [[ "${files[$i]}" != "${to_sort[$i]}" ]]; then echo -e "$error Found file '${files[$i]#src/}' before '${to_sort[$i]#src/}' in paket.gresource.xml" ret=1 break fi done if [[ ret -eq 1 ]]; then echo "" echo -e " Checking paket.gresource.xml result: $fail" echo "Please fix the above issues" exit 1 else echo -e " Checking paket.gresource.xml result: $ok" fi } # Check arguments while [[ "$1" ]]; do case $1 in -f | --force-install ) force_install=1 ;; -v | --verbose ) verbose=1 ;; -h | --help ) show_help exit 0 ;; *) show_help >&2 exit 1 esac; shift; done # Run check_cargo echo "" run_rustfmt echo "" # TODO: typos #run_typos #echo "" check_potfiles echo "" check_resources echo ""