Alessio Occhipinti 94189a72c3 Refactor/linting - tslint-xo (#178)
* refactor(deps): added tslint, cleanup, and activationEvents modified

* refactor(lint): linting...

* refactor(changelog): changelo method refactor (should be tested)

* refactor(theme-icons):  linting and small refactor

* refactor(accents-setter): linting and small refactor

* chore(travis): added travis file
2018-05-03 11:39:51 +02:00

516 lines
12 KiB

export interface IThemeIconsIconPath {
iconPath: string;
export interface IThemeIcons {
iconDefinitions: {
_folder_dark: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_folder: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_folder_dark_build: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_folder_light: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_folder_light_build: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_folder_open: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_folder_open_build: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_dark: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_actionscript: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_ai: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_android: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_angular: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_applescript: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_arduino: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_assembly: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_autohotkey: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_bower: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_c: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_certificate: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_changelog: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_clojure: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_cmake: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_cmd: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_coffee: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_console: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_contributing: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_cpp: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_credits: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_csharp: IThemeIconsIconPath;
'_file_css-map': IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_css: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_dart: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_database: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_dlang: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_docker: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_document: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_email: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_exe: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_favicon: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_file: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_flash: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_flow: IThemeIconsIconPath;
'_file_folder-build': IThemeIconsIconPath;
'_file_folder-light-build': IThemeIconsIconPath;
'_file_folder-light': IThemeIconsIconPath;
'_file_folder-outline-build': IThemeIconsIconPath;
'_file_folder-outline': IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_font: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_fsharp: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_git: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_github: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_go: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_gopher: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_gradle: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_graphql: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_groovy: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_grunt: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_gulp: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_haml: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_haskell: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_html: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_image: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_ionic: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_java: IThemeIconsIconPath;
'_file_javascript-map': IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_js: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_json: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_key: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_kotlin: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_less: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_lib: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_license: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_lua: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_markdown: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_markup: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_movie: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_music: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_mustache: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_mxml: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_nodejs: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_npm: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_ocaml: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_pdf: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_php: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_polymer: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_postcss: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_powerpoint: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_pp: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_procfile: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_pug: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_python: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_r: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_rails: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_raml: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_react: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_readme: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_ruby: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_rust: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_sass: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_settings: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_sketch: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_star: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_stylus: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_sublime: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_svg: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_swc: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_swift: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_swig: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_table: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_tex: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_todo: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_tune: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_twig: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_typescript: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_typescript_def: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_url: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_virtual: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_visualstudio: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_vue: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_webpack: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_word: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_xaml: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_xml: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_yaml: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_yarn: IThemeIconsIconPath;
_file_zip: IThemeIconsIconPath;
fileExtensions: {
cmd: string;
mustache: string;
rails: string;
styl: string;
twig: string;
swig: string;
sketch: string;
do: string;
'sublime-settings': string;
'sublime-theme': string;
'sublime-commands': string;
'sublime-menu': string;
html: string;
jade: string;
pug: string;
md: string;
'md.rendered': string;
markdown: string;
'markdown.rendered': string;
css: string;
postcss: string;
scss: string;
sass: string;
less: string;
json: string;
yaml: string;
'YAML-tmLanguage': string;
yml: string;
xml: string;
plist: string;
xsd: string;
dtd: string;
xsl: string;
xslt: string;
resx: string;
iml: string;
xquery: string;
tmLanguage: string;
png: string;
jpeg: string;
jpg: string;
gif: string;
svg: string;
eps: string;
ai: string;
ico: string;
tif: string;
tiff: string;
psd: string;
psb: string;
ami: string;
apx: string;
bmp: string;
bpg: string;
brk: string;
cur: string;
dds: string;
dng: string;
exr: string;
fpx: string;
gbr: string;
img: string;
jbig2: string;
jb2: string;
jng: string;
jxr: string;
pbm: string;
pgf: string;
pic: string;
raw: string;
webp: string;
php: string;
js: string;
ejs: string;
jsx: string;
ini: string;
dlc: string;
dll: string;
config: string;
conf: string;
esx: string;
ts: string;
tsx: string;
'd.ts': string;
pdf: string;
xlsx: string;
xls: string;
csv: string;
vscodeignore: string;
vsixmanifest: string;
suo: string;
sln: string;
pdb: string;
cs: string;
csx: string;
csproj: string;
zip: string;
tar: string;
gz: string;
xz: string;
bzip2: string;
gzip: string;
'7z': string;
'7zip': string;
pzip: string;
wim: string;
rar: string;
tgz: string;
exe: string;
msi: string;
java: string;
jar: string;
jsp: string;
c: string;
h: string;
m: string;
cc: string;
cpp: string;
'c++': string;
hpp: string;
mm: string;
cxx: string;
go: string;
py: string;
url: string;
sh: string;
bat: string;
ps1: string;
fish: string;
bash: string;
gradle: string;
doc: string;
docx: string;
rtf: string;
properties: string;
prop: string;
settings: string;
sql: string;
accdb: string;
mdb: string;
cer: string;
cert: string;
crt: string;
pub: string;
key: string;
pem: string;
asc: string;
woff: string;
woff2: string;
ttf: string;
eot: string;
suit: string;
otf: string;
bmap: string;
fnt: string;
odttf: string;
ttc: string;
font: string;
fonts: string;
sui: string;
ntf: string;
mrf: string;
lib: string;
rb: string;
erb: string;
fs: string;
fsx: string;
fsi: string;
fsproj: string;
manifest: string;
swift: string;
ino: string;
dockerignore: string;
tex: string;
bib: string;
pptx: string;
ppt: string;
pptm: string;
potx: string;
pot: string;
potm: string;
ppsx: string;
ppsm: string;
pps: string;
ppam: string;
ppa: string;
webm: string;
mkv: string;
flv: string;
vob: string;
ogv: string;
ogg: string;
gifv: string;
avi: string;
mov: string;
qt: string;
wmv: string;
yuv: string;
rm: string;
rmvb: string;
mp4: string;
m4v: string;
mpg: string;
mp2: string;
mpeg: string;
mpe: string;
mpv: string;
m2v: string;
vdi: string;
vbox: string;
'vbox-prev': string;
ics: string;
mp3: string;
flac: string;
m4a: string;
wma: string;
aiff: string;
coffee: string;
txt: string;
sqlite: string;
graphql: string;
gql: string;
props: string;
toml: string;
rs: string;
raml: string;
xaml: string;
prefs: string;
hs: string;
kt: string;
project: string;
patch: string;
dockerfile: string;
vb: string;
lua: string;
clj: string;
groovy: string;
r: string;
rst: string;
dart: string;
as: string;
mxml: string;
ahk: string;
swf: string;
swc: string;
cmake: string;
asm: string;
a51: string;
inc: string;
nasm: string;
s: string;
ms: string;
agc: string;
ags: string;
aea: string;
argus: string;
mitigus: string;
binsource: string;
vue: string;
ml: string;
mli: string;
cmx: string;
'js.map': string;
'css.map': string;
tmTheme: string;
pp: string;
applescript: string;
haml: string;
fileNames: {
'gruntfile.js': string;
'bower.json': string;
'.bowerrc': string;
'webpack.js': string;
'webpack.config.js': string;
'webpack.dev.js': string;
'webpack.prod.js': string;
'webpack.common.js': string;
'webpackfile.js': string;
'ionic.config.json': string;
'.io-config.json': string;
'gulpfile.js': string;
'gulpfile.babel.js': string;
'package.json': string;
'gradle.properties': string;
gradlew: string;
'.jscsrc': string;
'.jshintrc': string;
'.jshintignore': string;
'.npmignore': string;
'tsconfig.json': string;
'tslint.json': string;
'androidmanifest.xml': string;
'gradle-wrapper.properties': string;
'.editorconfig': string;
procfile: string;
'.env': string;
dockerfile: string;
license: string;
'license.md': string;
'license.md.rendered': string;
'license.txt': string;
'.babelrc': string;
'.eslintrc': string;
'.buildignore': string;
'.htaccess': string;
'composer.lock': string;
'.gitignore': string;
'.gitconfig': string;
'.gitattributes': string;
'.gitmodules': string;
'.gitkeep': string;
'yarn.lock': string;
'.yarnclean': string;
'.yarn-integrity': string;
'yarn-error.log': string;
'contributing.md': string;
'contributing.md.rendered': string;
'readme.md': string;
'readme.md.rendered': string;
'.mailmap': string;
makefile: string;
changelog: string;
'changelog.md': string;
'changelog.md.rendered': string;
CREDITS: string;
'credits.txt': string;
'credits.md': string;
'credits.md.rendered': string;
'.flowconfig': string;
'.jsbeautifyrc': string;
'git-history': string;
'angular-cli.json': string;
'app.module.ts': string;
'favicon.ico': string;
file: string;
folder: string;
folderExpanded: string;
{ git: string };
light: {
folderExpanded: string;
folder: string;
folderNames: {
node_modules: string;
'.git': string;
'.github': string;
'.gulp': string;
bower_components: string;
build: string;
dist: string;
folderNamesExpanded: {
node_modules: string;
'.git': string;
'.github': string;
'.gulp': string;
bower_components: string;
build: string;
dist: string;
folderNames: {
node_modules: string;
'.git': string;
'.github': string;
'.gulp': string;
bower_components: string;
build: string;
dist: string;
folderNamesExpanded: {
node_modules: string;
'.git': string;
'.github': string;
'.gulp': string;
bower_components: string;
build: string;
dist: string;