import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as gulp from 'gulp'; import * as gutil from 'gulp-util'; import * as path from 'path'; import { MESSAGE_GENERATED, MESSAGE_ICON_ACCENTS_ERROR } from "../consts/log"; import { CHARSET } from "../../extensions/consts/files"; import { IDefaults } from "../../extensions/interfaces/idefaults"; import { IThemeIconsAccents } from "../interfaces/itheme-icons-accents"; import PATHS from '../../extensions/consts/paths' import { IThemeIconsItem } from '../interfaces/itheme-icons-item'; import { getAccentableIcons } from '../../extensions/helpers/fs'; const BASE_ICON_THEME_PATH: string = path.join(process.cwd(), PATHS.THEMES, './Material-Theme-Icons.json'); const DEFAULTS: IDefaults = require('../../extensions/defaults.json'); /** * Normalizes icon path * @param {string} iconPath * @returns {string} */ function normalizeIconPath(iconPath: string): string { return path.join(process.cwd(), PATHS.ICONS, iconPath); } /** * Replaces a file name with the accented filename * @param {string} name * @param {string} accentName * @returns {string} */ function replaceNameWithAccent(name: string, accentName: string): string { return name.replace('.svg', `.accent.${ accentName }.svg`); } /** * Replaces a SVG colour * * @param {string} filecontent * @param {string} colour * @returns {string} */ export function replaceSVGColour(filecontent: string, colour: string): string { return filecontent.replace(new RegExp('.st0\{fill:\s{0,}#([a-zA-Z0-9]{6})\}|path fill="#([a-zA-Z0-9]{6})"'), ($0, $1, $2) => { colour = colour.replace('#', ''); if (!$2) { return $0.replace($1, colour); } else { return $0.replace($2, colour); } }); } /** * Replaces white spaces in accents' names * @param {string} input * @returns {string} */ function replaceWhiteSpaces(input: string): string { return input.replace(/\s+/g, '-'); } /** * Writes a new svg file * @param {string} fromFile * @param {string} toFile * @param {string} accentColour */ function writeSVGIcon(fromFile: string, toFile: string, accent: string): void { let fileContent: string = fs.readFileSync(normalizeIconPath(fromFile), CHARSET); let content: string = replaceSVGColour(fileContent, DEFAULTS.accents[accent]); toFile = normalizeIconPath(toFile); gutil.log(gutil.colors.gray(`Accented icon ${toFile} created with colour ${ accent } (${ DEFAULTS.accents[accent] })`)); fs.writeFileSync(toFile, content); } // Exports task to index.ts export default gulp.task('build:icons.accents', cb => { let basetheme: IThemeIconsAccents; try { basetheme = require(BASE_ICON_THEME_PATH); Object.keys(DEFAULTS.accents).forEach(key => { let iconName = replaceWhiteSpaces(key); let themecopy: IThemeIconsAccents = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(basetheme)); let themePath: string = path.join(PATHS.THEMES, `./Material-Theme-Icons-${ key }.json`); getAccentableIcons().forEach(accentableIconName => { gutil.log(gutil.colors.gray(`Preparing ${ accentableIconName } accented icon`)); let iconOriginDefinition: IThemeIconsItem = (basetheme.iconDefinitions as any)[accentableIconName]; let iconCopyDefinition: IThemeIconsItem = (themecopy.iconDefinitions as any)[accentableIconName]; if (iconOriginDefinition !== undefined && typeof iconOriginDefinition.iconPath === 'string' && iconCopyDefinition !== undefined && typeof iconCopyDefinition.iconPath === 'string') { iconCopyDefinition.iconPath = replaceNameWithAccent(iconOriginDefinition.iconPath, iconName); writeSVGIcon(iconOriginDefinition.iconPath, iconCopyDefinition.iconPath, key); } else { gutil.log(gutil.colors.yellow(`Icon ${ accentableIconName } not found`)) } }); // themecopy.iconDefinitions._folder_open.iconPath = replaceNameWithAccent(basetheme.iconDefinitions._folder_open.iconPath, iconName); // themecopy.iconDefinitions._folder_open_build.iconPath = replaceNameWithAccent(basetheme.iconDefinitions._folder_open_build.iconPath, iconName); // writeSVGIcon(basetheme.iconDefinitions._folder_open.iconPath, themecopy.iconDefinitions._folder_open.iconPath, key); // writeSVGIcon(basetheme.iconDefinitions._folder_open_build.iconPath, themecopy.iconDefinitions._folder_open_build.iconPath, key); // fs.writeFileSync(themePath, JSON.stringify(themecopy)); // addContributeIconTheme(id, label, themepathJSON, PACKAGE_JSON); gutil.log(, themePath)); }); // writePackageJSON(PACKAGE_JSON); } catch (error) { // gutil.log(; cb(error); return; } cb(); });