import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import { IAccentCustomProperty } from "../interfaces/iaccent-custom-property"; import { IGenericObject } from "../interfaces/igeneric-object"; import { IThemeConfigCommons } from "../interfaces/icommons"; const REGEXP_HEX: RegExp = /^#([0-9A-F]{6}|[0-9A-F]{8})$/i; let themeConfigCommon: IThemeConfigCommons = require('./commons.json'); let accentsProperties: IGenericObject = { "activityBarBadge.background": { alpha: 100, value: undefined }, "list.activeSelectionForeground": { alpha: 100, value: undefined }, "list.inactiveSelectionForeground": { alpha: 100, value: undefined }, "list.highlightForeground": { alpha: 100, value: undefined }, "scrollbarSlider.activeBackground": { alpha: 50, value: undefined }, "editorSuggestWidget.highlightForeground": { alpha: 100, value: undefined }, "textLink.foreground": { alpha: 100, value: undefined }, } /** * Assigns colours * @param {string} colour * @param {*} config */ function assignColorCustomizations(colour: string, config: any): void { if (!isValidColour(colour)) { colour = undefined; } Object.keys(accentsProperties).forEach(propertyName => { let accent: IAccentCustomProperty = accentsProperties[propertyName]; let _colour = colour; if (colour && accent.alpha < 100) { _colour = `${ colour }${ accent.alpha > 10 ? accent.alpha : `0${ accent.alpha }` }`; } if (accent) { config[propertyName] = _colour; } }); } /** * Gets the accented icon theme name * @param accentName */ function accentedThemeName(accentName: string): string { return `material-theme-icons-${ accentName.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase() }`; } /** * Assigns related icons theme name by accent name * @param accentName */ function assignIconTheme(accentName: string | undefined): void { let cacheKey: string = 'materialTheme.cache.workbench.iconTheme'; let cache: any = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration().inspect(cacheKey); let accentValue: string; if (!cache.globalValue && accentName !== undefined) { vscode.workspace.getConfiguration().update(cacheKey, vscode.workspace.getConfiguration().get('workbench.iconTheme'), true).then(() => {}, reason => vscode.window.showErrorMessage(reason)); } if (accentName === undefined && cache.globalValue) { accentValue = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration().get(cacheKey); vscode.workspace.getConfiguration().update(cacheKey, undefined, true); } else if (accentName !== undefined) { accentValue = accentedThemeName(accentName); } vscode.workspace.getConfiguration().update('workbench.iconTheme', accentValue, true).then(() => {}, reason => { vscode.window.showErrorMessage(reason); }); } /** * Determines if a string is a valid colour * @param {(string | null | undefined)} colour * @returns {boolean} */ function isValidColour(colour: string | null | undefined): boolean { if (typeof colour === 'string' && REGEXP_HEX.test(colour)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Sets workbench options * @param {string} accentSelected * @param {*} config */ function setWorkbenchOptions(accentSelected: string, config: any): void { vscode.workspace.getConfiguration().update('workbench.colorCustomizations', config, true).then(() => { vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`${ accentSelected } set`); }, reason => { vscode.window.showErrorMessage(reason); }); } /** * VSCode command */ export const THEME_ACCENTS_SETTER = () => { // shows the quick pick dropdown let options: string[] = Object.keys(themeConfigCommon.accents); // let customColourKey: string = 'Custom colour'; let purgeColourKey: string = 'Remove accents'; // options.push(customColourKey); options.push(purgeColourKey); vscode.window.showQuickPick(options).then(accentSelected => { if (accentSelected === null || accentSelected === undefined) return; let config: any = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration().get('workbench.colorCustomizations'); switch(accentSelected) { // case customColourKey: // vscode.window.showInputBox().then(colourCode => { // if (colourCode === null || colourCode === undefined) return; // if (colourCode && !isValidColour(colourCode)) { // vscode.window.showWarningMessage('Invalid colour set, aborting.'); // return; // } // assignColorCustomizations(colourCode, config); // setWorkbenchOptions(accentSelected, config); // }); // break; case purgeColourKey: assignColorCustomizations(undefined, config); setWorkbenchOptions(accentSelected, config); assignIconTheme(undefined); break; default: assignColorCustomizations(themeConfigCommon.accents[accentSelected], config); setWorkbenchOptions(accentSelected, config); assignIconTheme(accentSelected); break; } }); }