import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import { IGenericObject } from "./interfaces/igeneric-object"; import { THEME_ACCENTS_SETTER } from "./commands/accents-setter/index"; import { THEME_ICONS } from "./commands/theme-icons/index"; import { shouldShowChangelog, showChangelog } from './helpers/changelog'; import { reloadWindow, getCurrentThemeID, setIconsID } from "./helpers/vscode"; enum Commands { ACCENTS, CHANGELOG } const OPTIONS: IGenericObject = { '🖍 Change accent color': Commands.ACCENTS, '🚧 Show changelog': Commands.CHANGELOG } const isMaterialTheme = (currentTheme: string): boolean => currentTheme.includes('Material Theme'); export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) { if (vscode.workspace.getConfiguration().has('materialTheme.cache.workbench.accent')) { vscode.workspace.getConfiguration().update('materialTheme.cache.workbench.accent', undefined, true); } vscode.workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(async event => { const isColorTheme = event.affectsConfiguration('workbench.colorTheme'); const currentTheme = getCurrentThemeID(); if (isColorTheme && isMaterialTheme(currentTheme)) { await setIconsID('eq-material-theme-icons'); await THEME_ICONS().catch(error => console.trace(error)); reloadWindow(); } }); if (shouldShowChangelog()) { showChangelog(); } // registering the command let command = vscode.commands.registerCommand('material.theme.config', () => { // the user is going to choose what aspect of theme to config vscode.window.showQuickPick(Object.keys(OPTIONS)).then(response => { // switching selected option switch(OPTIONS[response]) { case Commands.ACCENTS: THEME_ACCENTS_SETTER(); break; case Commands.CHANGELOG: showChangelog(); break; } }); }); context.subscriptions.push(command); }