// Available variables which can be used inside of strings. // ${workspaceRoot}: the root folder of the team // ${file}: the current opened file // ${fileBasename}: the current opened file's basename // ${fileDirname}: the current opened file's dirname // ${fileExtname}: the current opened file's extension // ${cwd}: the current working directory of the spawned process // A task runner that calls a custom npm script that compiles the extension. { "version": "2.0.0", // tasks list (build, build-theme, semver etc) "tasks": [ { "args": [ "run", "build" ], "command": "npm", "dependsOn": "tsc", "label": "build", "group": { "kind": "build", "isDefault": true }, "problemMatcher": [] }, { "linux": { "args": [ ".", "-name", "\"*.js\"", "-not", "-path", "\"./node_modules/*\"", "-not", "-path", "\"./src/*\"", "-not", "-path", "\"./test/*\"", "-type", "f", "-delete" ], "command": "find" }, "osx": { "args": [ ".", "-name", "\"*.js\"", "-not", "-path", "\"./node_modules/*\"", "-not", "-path", "\"./src/*\"", "-not", "-path", "\"./test/*\"", "-type", "f", "-delete" ], "command": "find" }, "command": "", "label": "clean project" }, { "args": [ "run", "changelog" ], "command": "npm", "label": "changelog" } ] }