stuebinm b33c00f1c3 default to level=0 if tag not present
seems to give slightly better results
2023-11-14 23:50:38 +01:00

269 lines
11 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import Data.Char
import Data.Csv hiding (lookup)
import Data.Either
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.FuzzySet
import Data.List
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Ord
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import qualified Data.Text.Read as T
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import GHC.Base (Alternative ((<|>)))
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as Client
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.OpenSSL as Client
import Network.HTTP.Types
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger
import Text.FuzzyFind (Alignment (score),
csvOptions, tsvOptions :: DecodeOptions
csvOptions = defaultDecodeOptions { decDelimiter = fromIntegral (ord ';') }
tsvOptions = defaultDecodeOptions { decDelimiter = fromIntegral (ord '\t') }
data MatchResult a b
= Exact a
| Fuzzy b
| None
deriving Show
findStationName :: T.Text -> FuzzySet -> MatchResult (Double, Text) (Double, Text)
findStationName query set = case sorted of
[exact] -> Exact exact
_ -> case maybeHbf of
station:_ -> Fuzzy station
_ -> case results of
station:_ -> Fuzzy station
_ -> None
sorted = results
& fmap (\(_, match) -> (fromIntegral . maybe 0 score . bestMatch (T.unpack query) $ T.unpack match, match))
& sortOn (Down . fst)
results = get set query
maybeHbf = filter (T.isInfixOf "Hbf" . snd) sorted
data Platform = Platform
{ osmType :: Text
, osmId :: Text
, ref :: Maybe Text
, localRef :: Maybe Text
, osmLevel :: Maybe Text
} deriving Show
instance FromRecord Platform where
parseRecord v =
Platform <$>
v .! 0 <*>
v .! 1 <*>
v .! 2 <*>
v .! 3 <*>
(v .! 4 <|> v .! 5)
data Answer
= Redirect Text
| Plaintext Text
| Html Text
| Notfound
| Unimplemented
maybeAnswer :: (a -> Answer) -> Maybe a -> Answer
maybeAnswer = maybe Notfound
newtype Ril100 = Ril100 { unRil100 :: Text }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data AppData = AppData
{ ril100map :: DoubleMap Ril100 Text
, leitpunktMap :: DoubleMap Ril100 Text
, ril100set :: FuzzySet
, ril100BaseUrl :: Text
, leitpunktBaseUrl :: Text
, clientManager :: Client.Manager
, platformCache :: TVar (Map Ril100 (UTCTime, Answer))
, cacheTime :: NominalDiffTime
app :: AppData -> Application
app AppData{..} request respond = mkAnswer >>= (respond . toResponse)
mkAnswer :: IO Answer
mkAnswer = case pathInfo request of
[] -> pure helptext
["favicon.ico"] -> pure Notfound
["cache"] -> do
cache <- readTVarIO platformCache
now <- getCurrentTime
M.toList cache
& fmap (\(ril100, (age, _)) -> (T.pack . show) (unRil100 ril100, now `diffUTCTime` age))
& T.unlines
& (pure . Plaintext)
| T.all isUpper query && host `elem` ["leitpunkt"]
-> lookupName query leitpunktMap
>>= (`lookupCode` ril100map)
& maybeAnswer Plaintext & pure
| T.all isUpper query
-> lookupCode (Ril100 query) ril100map
& maybeAnswer Plaintext & pure
| host `elem` ["leitpunkt"]
-> pure $ case findStationName query ril100set of
None -> Notfound
Exact (_,match) -> lookupName match ril100map
>>= (`lookupCode` leitpunktMap)
& maybeAnswer Plaintext
Fuzzy (_,match) -> Redirect (leitpunktBaseUrl <> "/" <> match)
| otherwise
-> pure $ case findStationName query ril100set of
None -> Notfound
Exact (_,match) -> lookupName match ril100map
& maybeAnswer (Plaintext . unRil100)
Fuzzy (_,match) -> Redirect (ril100BaseUrl <> "/" <> match)
[query, segment] | segment `elem` ["gleis", "track", "tracks", "gleise", "platform", "platforms", "fetch"]
-> case queriedRil100 query of
None -> pure Notfound
Fuzzy url -> pure (Redirect url)
Exact ril100 -> do
maybeCache <- readTVarIO platformCache <&> M.lookup ril100
now <- getCurrentTime
case maybeCache of
Just (age, answer)
| now `diffUTCTime` age < cacheTime && segment /= "fetch" -> pure answer
_ -> do
let overpassQuery = " \
\[out:csv(::type, ::id, ref, local_ref, level, layer;false)][timeout:25];\n\
\node[~\"railway:ref|railway:ref:parent\"~\"^"<>encodeUtf8 (unRil100 ril100)<>"$\"][operator~\"^(DB |Deutsch)\"];\n\
\rel[public_transport~\"stop_area|stop_area_group\"](bn) -> .a;\n\
\rel[public_transport~\"stop_area|stop_area_group\"](br.a) -> .b;\n\
let req = ""
{ Client.requestBody = Client.RequestBodyBS overpassQuery
, Client.method = "POST"}
putStrLn $ "looking up platforms for " <> show ril100
response <- Client.httpLbs req clientManager
case decodeWith tsvOptions NoHeader (Client.responseBody response) of
Left _ -> pure Notfound
Right (platforms :: Vector Platform) -> do
let answer = V.toList platforms
& sortOn (maybe (0::Int) (fromRight 0 . fmap fst . T.signed T.decimal) . osmLevel)
<&> renderPlatform
& (Html . T.concat)
now <- getCurrentTime
atomically $ do
cache <- readTVar platformCache
writeTVar platformCache (M.insert ril100 (now, answer) cache)
pure answer
getRef (Just ref) _ = Just ref
getRef Nothing (Just ref) = Just ref
getRef _ _ = Nothing
renderPlatform Platform{..} = case getRef ref localRef of
Just ref -> "<a href=\""<>osmType<>"/"<>osmId<>"\">"<>ref<>"</a><br>"
Nothing -> ""
_ -> pure Notfound
queriedRil100 :: Text -> MatchResult Ril100 Text
queriedRil100 query = if
| T.all isUpper query && host `elem` ["leitpunkt"]
-> lookupName query leitpunktMap
& maybe None Exact
| T.all isUpper query
-> Exact (Ril100 query)
| host `elem` ["leitpunkt"]
-> case findStationName query ril100set of
None -> None
Exact (_,match) -> lookupName match ril100map
& maybe None Exact
Fuzzy (_,match) -> Fuzzy (leitpunktBaseUrl <> "/" <> match)
| otherwise
-> case findStationName query ril100set of
None -> None
Exact (_,match) -> lookupName match ril100map
& maybe None Exact
Fuzzy (_,match) -> Fuzzy (ril100BaseUrl <> "/" <> match)
helptext = Plaintext $ "\
\ril100 → Name: " <> ril100BaseUrl <> "/RM\n\
\Name → ril100: " <> ril100BaseUrl <> "/Mannheim\n\n\
\Leitpunkt → Name: " <> leitpunktBaseUrl <> "/MA\n\
\Name → Leitpunkt: " <> leitpunktBaseUrl <> "/Mannheim\n\n\
\Am selben Bahnsteig gegenüber:\n\
\ " <> ril100BaseUrl <> "/RM/gleis"
host = head (BS.split (fromIntegral (ord '.')) rawHost)
where rawHost = case lookup "x-forwarded-host" $ requestHeaders request of
Nothing -> fromMaybe "" $ requestHeaderHost request
Just some -> some
toResponse :: Answer -> Response
toResponse ans = case ans of
Redirect uri -> responseLBS
status302 [("Location", encodeUtf8 uri)] ""
Plaintext msg -> responseLBS
status200 (mkHeaders "text/plain") (LB.fromStrict $ encodeUtf8 msg)
Html markup -> responseLBS
status200 (mkHeaders "text/html") (LB.fromStrict $ encodeUtf8 markup)
Notfound -> responseLBS
status404 (mkHeaders "text/plain") "??"
Unimplemented -> responseLBS
status404 (mkHeaders "text/plain") "Sorry, this is still under construction"
mkHeaders contentType =
[ ("Content-Type", contentType<>"; charset=utf8")
, ("x-data-by", "CC-BY 4.0 DB Netz AG")
, ("x-data-by", "OpenStreetMap Contributors")
, ("x-sources-at", "")
data DoubleMap code long = DoubleMap { there :: Map code long, back :: Map long code }
lookupCode :: Ord code => code -> DoubleMap code long -> Maybe long
lookupCode code maps = M.lookup code (there maps)
lookupName :: Ord long => long -> DoubleMap code long -> Maybe code
lookupName name maps = M.lookup name (back maps)
mkDoubleMap :: (Ord code, Ord long) => Vector (code, long) -> DoubleMap code long
mkDoubleMap tuplesvec = DoubleMap (M.fromList tuples) (M.fromList (fmap swap tuples))
where tuples = V.toList tuplesvec
main :: IO ()
main = do
Right (betriebsstellen :: V.Vector [Text]) <-
LB.readFile "data/DBNetz-Betriebsstellenverzeichnis-Stand2021-10.csv"
<&> decodeWith csvOptions HasHeader
<&> fmap (V.filter (\line -> line !! 4 `notElem` ["BUSH", "LGR", "ÜST", "BFT", "ABZW", "BK", "AWAN", "ANST", "LGR"]))
Right (leitpunkte :: V.Vector [Text]) <-
LB.readFile "data/leitpunkte.csv"
<&> decodeWith csvOptions HasHeader
putStrLn "building Index ..."
let ril100set = addMany (emptySet 5 6 False) (V.toList ( (!! 2) betriebsstellen))
putStrLn (seq ril100set "done")
let ril100map = mkDoubleMap $ fmap (\line -> (Ril100 (line !! 1), line !! 2)) betriebsstellen
let leitpunktMap = mkDoubleMap $ fmap (\line -> (Ril100 (line !! 2), line !! 0)) leitpunkte
let ril100BaseUrl = ""
let leitpunktBaseUrl = ""
let cacheTime = 3600 * 24 * 7 -- one week
platformCache <- newTVarIO mempty
Client.withOpenSSL $ do
clientManager <- Client.newOpenSSLManager
putStrLn "Starting Server"
run 8080 (logStdoutDev (app AppData{..}))